Friday, April 29, 2011

What I've accomplished so far today...

I love having a day off from work where I feel I can be productive.
We've almost finished packing for our trip.
The house is half way clean:
Only the kitchen left and to vacuum the rest.

Only one more number to cross off tomorrow morning!

I also visited my grandma and being the fabulous woman she is,
she waxed my eyebrows, tinted them, and tinted my eyelashes!
I totally don't need mascara on my trip now!

*Don't mind the hair, it fell out of a ponytail*

I also bought this cute little party dress after work last night!
It has polka dots all over!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birthday Planning

Planning parties is not my biggest strength...
We are in charge of our quarterly birthday party for my husband's family this time.

Mental check list:
Make invitations...check
Post on family Facebook page...check
Decide on food choices...check
Decide on what kind of cake...half check
Decorations....still Google-ing
Clean house...haha! We'll get back to that

Speaking of invitations, here is mine thanks to Picnik,
not a work of art, but I think it's fun.

Hopefully if anything else needs to be planned I can figure it out after our trip!

Which by the way: I CAN'T WAIT!
Only one more work day and then a day and a half to pack,
clean the house, make sure the kitties are happy,
Then off to the airport thanks to my Mom!
Then a wonderful week or so in the Florida sun with the 
beautiful people of Disney!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter and a little Disney-love

Easter- A lovely overly commercialized holiday full of egg-dyeing and family. I love it!

Cute little man with the eggs 

Preparing the dye

Grandma, Grandpa and even a family friend getting in on all the action.

I love the creativity of dyeing eggs. All the drawing and coloring.

My favorite little man.

My favorite egg, I love flowers, even though I can't draw them well. 

The cute little man in his Easter outfit and duck full of fruit snacks and a Woody PEZ.

We had a wonderful get-together at my grandfather's with all the family, minus a few parents and cousins.
The food was phenomenal and so was the company!

As for other news!
We leave for Disney World on Saturday!!!
Here are new nails inspired by Minnie herself.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome to my wonderland

My life is crazy, chaotic and a little bit messy; but I LOVE it. I've decided to begin blogging after "stalking" lots of other blogs and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I want to blog about life, my adventures in scrapbooking, helping to raise an awesome 7 year old, and my journey through infertility. I want to find the beauty through the ugly journey. I want to find the happiness in all the disappointments and hardships. I want to know there is hope and light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. I want to find the humor in every situation and try to keep myself busy with new hobbies and maybe find some new friends along the way. Support means everything along this journey.

Here's to a new journey along a different path!